A typical ugly San Francisco streetscape. Wasted space, pedestrian unfriendly (lots of curb cuts for cars to park over the sidewalk and bock access), no greenery, water impermeable, and simply hideous.
Prime Blue Angel Viewing! @Marina docks
Timelapse video of the street install of the Urban Barnacle prototype:
1. Modular, stackable, rotating shelves and benches
2. Urban Barnacle unit on light pole
3. Solar unit
4. Modular vending unit
Check out some more details here: https://neighborland.com/ideas/sf-soma-an-urban-barnacle
The Urban Barnacle Prototype in action @5th and Mission Streets
SF downtown summer – about to drop from 70 to 50
Sutro tower’s August blanket
In case you guys didn’t believe me about San Francisco summers …
New parklet outside of Devils’ Teeth Baking Company three blocks from Ocean Beach – within minutes of taking this photo, a fire truck pulled up and soon the parklet was filled with firemen drinking coffee and moms with kids enjoying a snack.
Check out my recent piece on parklets (ignore the icky interface and load time and focus on my photos and content, if you can!) in SF. Found out from the Planning Dept that there are dozens and dozens of interested businesses, groups, and individuals on the waiting list!
While some are clearly better designed and more popular than others, isn’t it fun just to see a different use for public space? It will be interesting to see where this program goes in the next several years. And hey, who hasn’t noticed that there’s nowhere to sit in the city anymore?
Happy independence day from the imperialist overlords! Here’s your red, white and blue!