My new workplace for october <3 #yogagarden #yoga #sf #divisadero #bikes
A rare mackeral sky in #sf #clouds #alamosquare
What landscaping and permeable surfaces look like in #sunset #sf #fog #doublegraynotgreen
#newmondays #beachrun #ob fall in #sf: surfs up and the beach is busy midday!
Struttin. #sf #lunchwalk #seagullzforlyfe
Park(ING) Day 2014 in downtown San Francisco. A little foot tour around my work neighborhood and south.
Park(ING) Day, originally dreamed up by local designers at REBAR, is not a DIY replicable event in cities across the globe.
Temporary pop-up installations repurposing public space (for the same time and cost as it takes to store a unused car there!).
Enjoyed finding fun textures and shapes to take photos of in a place I generally underappreciate – downtown SF. Like many cities developed in the past 70 or so years, its just so concreted in and depressing, with shady canyon streets and little visual appeal or greenery. Here are some of the tiny details that make it more appealling!
SOMEBODY’S a little codependent. And yes its the “buddy” model. Imagine them going to work together. #sf #lunchwalk
Goodness gracious great balls of fog #sf #summer #myhood
#sf #haight #screwbeige nice to think about the whimsical hippies who once painted these….who have now turned into or been kicked out by the upper classes who can afford half mil++ apartments. Sf’s colors are slowly getting replaced by saleable beige.
#sf #lunchwalk #transamerica zoom zoom