Make A Gorgeous Feathery Lantern From Yogurt Cups

Whether you’re looking for a last-minute gift idea or just feeling crafty, this fun, glowing lantern is an ideal DIY project that will bring a little brightness into your space this Winter Solstice week.

All you’ll need is a few cleaned plastic yogurt cups in addition to a plastic water or soda bottle. Easy! Dig through your recycling bin and you’re halfway there.

Cut randomly-sized triangles from the yogurt cups and glue them in concentric rings around the plastic bottle (with the bottom and top of the bottle snipped off).

Let the glue dry, add a pendant lamp socket and a low-watt LED bulb and enjoy the glow!

For the full tutorial, head on over to my Inhabitat piece.

Hey Kids! Learn yourselves how to make a birdfeeder out of junk from your recycling bin. Check out my new DIY instructional over at to make your own!