Can partnership save California parks? AB 42, California Assembly bill for “Keeping State Parks Open” passed through the state house, and must now pass the senate. What do you think? Is partnering more closely with “approved nonprofit” organizations the way forward? Is there a better incentive to be efficient and forward-thinking for a nonprofit or private organization? Which would be open to more public scrutiny – which can be a good thing? If any of these partnerships end up like the terrible ReserveAmerica online reservation system, it simply increases hassle and cost for recreation enthusiasts while siphoning off money that the state parks could really use all along the way.
California State Parks closing? No way – I just got here!
Some more thoughts tomorrow on why this is a bad idea, and what we can do about it.
I’ve only just started discovering wondrous things such as what an aggregating anemone is (see above – at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve in early April) and plan on hiking, camping, climbing, biking, fishing, and offroading just as soon as this darn “no walking” thing is over and the steel plate is out of my foot.