Check out this amazing fabric! It will shortly be transformed into wall panels.
Doodle de doo. A little something from me to you.
Sweet old metal shelf the street gifted me today – next stop spraypaint train on the way to plant shelf ville!
New photo transfer canvas DIY. More details coming right up!
Tiny Houses = carved from a synthetic wine cork. Chevron = cardboard glued onto cardboard. Heart = cardboard heart wrapped in lace, glued to another piece of cardboard. Paint = acrylic mixed with textile medium & heat set.
Experiment #1 = need to apply pain more smoothly, muslin is a bit thin for stamping (it bleeds).
Tonight I’ll release experimental recycled stamp making on the masses at the Wigg Party Party – look forward to seeing what people come up with!
DIY cardboard stamps prep
Quilt part one done!
Felt avatars of Jonathan+I from Cal Academy NightLife Craft night
Success! My first tailored men’s piece in wool herringbone.