But what do you do with them?

Aside from finding out that if you consume too many persimmons, you can end up with a gluey “food ball” of undigested persimmon fiber, plantiferous glue and other nondigestibles (called a diospyrbezoar and whatever you do, DON’T click here to see if you’ve eaten recently), I really don’t know what to do with persimmons. I gleaned this magnificent bowl of light orange tomato-shaped fruits from my aunt’s tree in the warm and sunny East Bay area.

I did cut one open and chew a few pieces, but I found it to be only mildly appetizing – sort of a sweet, slightly crunchy, less mealy pear texture. It seemed devoid of any special flavour, though it did have a unique orange taste, which hints of a high concentration of vitamins.

This is a new fruit for me, and after making lots of delights including preserved lemons and limoncello from the winter’s embarrassment of Meyer Lemons, I’m determined to create something new and delicious from this cost-free bounty.

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