New Plantings and Deaths


Painting by Fran Henig

So got back from my trip and realized that all the baby cucumber and squash seedlings did not sprout or basically died. They were really dried up so i think they probably “hatched” through their shells and then fizzled out. Well, there was no one to water them. Bad timing. The good news is that the tomato plants are doing really well and I transplanted a bunch of them outside and left some others in pots. I dont’ actually have space for everything, since I think cucumbers and squash are pretty good at taking over all available space. So I just went to the hardware store and bought some conventional cucumbers and mixed squash (zucchini and a summer squash mix) and planted those directly in the ground since we’re now at 80 degree days – nice and sunny. Pole beans are also sprouting up from the ground and doing well, and harvested radishes on Monday! I made a salad of their greens with vinegar – it was pretty good.

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