So, the past 4 days have been sunny and 50s! Feels great, especially since I haven’t gotten spring allergies …. yet. There is surprisingly a lot of random snow left around town, in disgusting little gray encrusted piles, however. I haven’t had much time to plan my spring planting so I better get on it – need to decide what to plant inside, start, and when to plant outside. Any input?
I guess I’m pretty sure it won’t freeze that much anymore, but it could. I also need to amend my little garden with some mulch. Not sure how big the garden plans are this year, but I’m at least going to start. So far, the definites are basil, squash (trying the front garden this spring for more light), a different variety of pole bean since the other ones did so well last year, and two magical “kitchen garden mixes” from pinetree seeds. one is “kitchen sink” from last year, with delicious pea shoots, japanese mustard, lettuce, and onion, and the new one is “italian” with chicory, endive, rocket, parsley and other deliciousness! i’m hoping to plant those early and snip them for microgreens all summer and spring.